Ukulele Camp

Grades: 2 - 3

Dates & Times: July 15 - 19 (Week 7), 1 PM - 4 PM (waitlist only!)

Location: Gruening 208, UAF Campus

Cost: $250

Description: Fun and Fabulous music! Join us for a kid's introduction to the ukulele in a group setting. We will have musical games, movement, and singing to develop our musical skills together. We will learn chords and strumming through songs. Keep your ukulele when the week is over, and continue to play!

Grades: 4 - 6

Dates & Times: July 22 - 26 (Week 8), 9 AM - 12 PM (waitlist only!)

Location: Gruening 208, UAF Campus

Cost: $250

Description: Do you dream of playing an instrument that you can sing along to while you play it? Well then, this camp is for you! Ukulele Camp will help you learn the strings on a ukulele, the basics of strumming, good playing position, and our first chords! We will be playing songs on day one, and hopefully, this camp will spark your desire to keep learning more chords and songs long after the week is done. Keep your ukulele when the week is over, and continue to play!

Please note the enrollment and cancellation policies listed on the front page

Instructor: Gwendolyn Brazier

A little about Gwendolyn: Gwendolyn has been a music teacher with the FNSBSD since 2009 and has directed and performed in numerous shows throughout the Fairbanks theater community. She loves music, teaching, acting, reading, and costume-making, and Live Action role playing (LARP). She is looking forward to working with campers this summer!

Instructor: Kendi Adams

A little about Kendi: Kendi Adams has been teaching music in Alaska since 2008. She has taught elementary band in Fairbanks since 2010, and in 2021 she transitioned to general music. Kendi loves to learn and to help others learn, particularly in the sphere of music. Kendi lives in her log cabin with her husband, Scott, their 4-year-old son, and 5-year-old blue heeler mix.