Instructor: Geneva Mottet

A bit about me: I grew up in Southeast Alaska and the San Juan Islands in Washington state where I gained a love for the natural world through hiking and fishing. I finished my MS in Physics last year at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. I currently live on a homestead near Fairbanks and enjoy sharing my interest in science and the natural world through public outreach and a YouTube channel.

You can email me with any questions about the course at

Harvest Chemistry

Grades: 4-8

Dates: July 15-August 5

Zoom Times: Thursdays, 12pm

Cost: $195

Description: Take a closer look at the chemistry of your local plants! Which berries make good dyes and paints? Can you extract the green from a plant? Let’s find out with a mortar and pestle! Press herbarium specimens while learning the chemistry of the plants around you. 

Make your own paper with pressed plants. The class is offered with weekly hands on experiments and Zoom calls where kids can share their learning with the instructor and each other, with study questions, YouTube videos, and other supplementary material offered through google classroom. 

Course Kit Content:  Mortar and Pestle, Flower press materials, Paper making screen

Supplies You Will Provide: Glue