Money Camp

Grades: 4 - 6

Dates & Times: July 14 - 18 (Week 7), 1 PM - 4 PM

Location: Gruening 303, UAF Campus

Cost: $200

Description: Managing money is often difficult for adults, while children often think money comes out of the walls when you put a plastic card in a slot. This camp will dispel this myth and provide the basic knowledge for campers to start learning the economic concepts of earning, spending, saving, and money management.

Please note the enrollment and cancellation policies listed on the front page

Instructor: Nicole Johnson

A little about your instructor: Nicole Johnson is an Assistant Branch Manager for Northrim Bank in Fairbanks. Nicole has a vast amount of customer service and financial services experience. Nicole has been with Northrim for eight years and, prior to that, was a small business owner. Nicole is involved in her community volunteering for local schools teaching financial literacy. Nicole prides herself in her customer-first service and being a financial expert for Northrim Bank.