Money Camp
Grades: 4 - 6
Dates & Times: July 14 - 18 (Week 7), 1 PM - 4 PM
Location: Gruening 303, UAF Campus
Cost: $200
Description: Managing money is often difficult for adults, while children often think money comes out of the walls when you put a plastic card in a slot. This camp will dispel this myth and provide the basic knowledge for campers to start learning the economic concepts of earning, spending, saving, and money management.
Instructor: Nicole Johnson
A little about your instructor: Nicole Johnson is an Assistant Branch Manager for Northrim Bank in Fairbanks. Nicole has a vast amount of customer service and financial services experience. Nicole has been with Northrim for eight years and, prior to that, was a small business owner. Nicole is involved in her community volunteering for local schools teaching financial literacy. Nicole prides herself in her customer-first service and being a financial expert for Northrim Bank.