Seasoned Chef
Grades: 7 - 12
Dates & Times: June 9 - 13 (Week 3), 9 AM - 12 PM (Waitlist only!)
Location: Hutchison Kitchen, 3770 Geist Rd, Fairbanks
Cost: $240
Description: Cook and bake through a variety of daily themes. Campers will make an assortment of dishes and learn about ingredients and tasting.
Instructor: Sean Walklin
A little about your instructor: Chef Sean is the lead chef and program coordinator for the University of Alaska Fairbanks CTC Culinary Arts Program. Sean enjoys traveling and cooking at home with his wife and two children. Sean grew up in Fairbanks and received his culinary training in Florence, Italy.
Instructor: Ben Pratte
A little about your instructor: Chef Ben is the administrative support person and an adjunct professor for the UAF CTC culinary arts and hospitality program. He has helped with summer sessions kids culinary camps since 2024. A graduate of the CAH program, Ben works as a personal chef and caterer, plays the bongos and loves spending time with his growing family.