Drone Camp
Grades: 5 - 7
Dates & Times: June 2 - 6 (Week 2), 1 PM - 4 PM (Waitlist only!)
Location: Duckering 344, UAF Campus
Cost: $200
Description: Are you curious about drones? Then join us in Drone Camp and learn from an expert. Build a small racing drone and experience hands-on activities with a drone flight simulator, mapping technology, and more.
Instructor: Jason Williams
A little about your instructor: Jason served in the U.S. Army as a Chinook helicopter pilot. After retiring in 2019, he began working at the University of Alaska Fairbanks as a pilot for ACUASI. Since then, he has become the Chief UAS Pilot and continues to fly aircraft with the other pilots. Jason enjoys sharing love of flying both drones and general aviation aircraft. Some of his favorite pastimes are flying his drones, playing video games, and spending time with his family.