Junior Gardener Camp

Grades: 2 - 4

Dates & Times: June 9 - 13 (Week 3), 1 PM - 4 PM (Waitlist only!)

Location: Georgeson Botanical Garden, UAF Campus

Cost: $200

Description: Come explore Georgeson Garden with us! Plant seeds and grow plants to take home. Learn the many ways we can care for our plants from seed to plate. We will also be making garden snacks, exploring and experiencing the wonders of the garden, singing, storytelling, assisting with garden caretaking, making garden crafts, and investigating the natural world in the garden.

Please note the enrollment and cancellation policies listed on the front page

Instructor: Melissa Sikes

A little about your instructor: I am the Natural Resource Education Specialist at the Fairbanks Soil and Water Conservation District and have been there since 2010. I went to Unity College in Maine and got my BS in Outdoor Recreation in 1990. I am a Master Gardener and love to share my love for growing plants year-round.