We encourage you to add your child to the waiting lists of camps that filled up before you could register. There is always a lot of movement between now and summer. There is a chance you will get a spot, and waiting lists are free to join.

Thank you for your enthusiastic interest in the programs we create for you. We love sharing UAF with the broader community and are dedicated to helping you find summer enrichment for your family. Please don't hesitate to email or call us for help with the registration process.

Summer 2025 is going to be an absolute blast for kids, parents, and instructors!  We are pleased to offer 68 different camps, some with multiple sections for a total of 116 camps this summer for children who live in or will visit the Fairbanks North Star Borough in the summer of 2025.  Our camps cover a multitude of fun and educational subjects, including physical education, art, science, music, dance, life skills, and much more.

How to Register for Summer Camp:

Registration for all summer camps is completed through CampDoc.  New users will need to create a CampDoc profile to register.  If you have used CampDoc to register for previous camps or courses, you should use your existing profile to log in.

When choosing a grade level, choose the grade your student will be entering in the fall of 2025.

Click the CampDoc icon below to update or create your account before registration day!

Need help with registration? Check out this tutorial to walk you through the process:

Deadlines for Payment and Health Profile

Payments are made through CampDoc. Please note that our camps require a non-refundable deposit that must be paid at the time of registration. If you register for a camp and decide not to attend, you MUST drop at least one week before the camp begins, or you will be charged for the full camp.

Completion of the health profile and full payment for summer camps are due one week before the first day of your camp. This is also the last date to disenroll from a camp/course for a refund of all but the non-refundable deposit. If final payments are not made, or the health profile is not complete one week before the first day of camp, you may lose your spot in the camp. All campers must have a completed health profile, and camp tuition must be paid to participate.

Non-refundable deposits are $25 for half-day camps and $50 for full-day camps. The non-refundable deposit amount is greater for multi-week camps. 

Scholarships are available!

Scholarships for 365 SMART Academy are available for students who qualify for Free & Reduced Lunch. If you are unsure if your family qualifies, check with your school or homeschool. Because we want our scholarship funds to reach as many children as possible, each child is limited to one scholarship. 

Summer Scholarships award a maximum amount of $200 per camp after the deposit. The award amount can cover most half-day camps or it can partially cover the tuition of a full-day camp.

*Please note* You will need to provide additional information with the scholarship application. Full scholarship instructions are on our website at www.uaf.edu/summer/k-12/. Please read the application instructions carefully. If you have any questions, feel free to call us at (907) 474-7021 or email summer@alaska.edu.

Our 2025 Camp Scholarships are made possible by the RG & Onnie V Bouchum/ La Shina R. & Lloyd Jones Scholarship Fund, College Rotary Club, Downtown Rotary, the Doug Schamel Fund, and generous donations from various individuals.

Pair your UAF Summer Sessions Camp experience with another great program at UAF!

Do you have a student in grades 6-12 who wants to hone their artistic or musical skills? Check out the Visual Art Academy (VAA) and the Summer Music Academy (SMA)!  These two-week intensive programs are taught by talented faculty and feature full and half-day options. The summer 2025 dates are June 2 - 13. UAF Summer Sessions handles registration for these programs, but they are run through the art and music departments. You can learn more by visiting their websites (listed below).

Summer Visual Art Academy

Summer Visual Art Academy is an intensive visual arts program for students entering grades 6–12. Our faculty of professional Alaskan visual artists will teach classes in Cartooning, Ceramics, Craft of Sewing, Digital Design, Drawing and Design, Metalsmithing, Painting/Mixed Media, Photography, and Printmaking.   

Registration for VAA takes place on CampDoc. For more information and contact info, visit the VAA website.

Summer Music Academy

The UAF Summer Music Academy provides a quality music education experience for students entering grades 6–12. It seeks to recruit and retain music students for the UAF Department of Music through educational experiences with the UAF Music Faculty, alumni, and guest artists. 

Registration for SMA takes place on Campdoc. For more information and contact info, visit the SMA website.

For more information about Summer Sessions courses and camps, contact:

UAF Summer Sessions & Lifelong Learning  /  907-474-7021  /  summer@alaska.edu