Botany Camp
Grades: 4 - 8
Dates & Times: June 23 - 27 (Week 5), 9 AM - 4 PM (Waitlist only!)
Location: Georgeson Botanical Garden, UAF Campus
Cost: $400
Description: Spend a week exploring local flora! Campers will develop their own botany notebook, sketch, collect samples, create plant-themed crafts, play games, and identify plants. We will spend lots of time outdoors learning about our environment and having fun!
Instructor: Martha Raynolds
A little about your instructor: Martha is a plant ecologist who has studied arctic vegetation for decades. In the summer when she’s not doing field work, she’s usually in her vegetable garden. In the winter she loves to cross-country ski and has taught the youngest skiers at Junior Nordics since her adult kids were little. Martha is looking forward to sharing her interest in plants and exploring the boreal forest with students this summer.
Instructor: Briana McNeal
A little about your instructor: Briana is a current graduate student at UAF studying Earth science and arctic ecosystems. Before moving to Fairbanks with her husband to pursue her passion for arctic plants, she studied sustainable development and Earth science at The Ohio State University. Briana has had a life-long love for the outdoors and is excited to share her interest in Alaskan plants with the Fairbanks community.