Russian Camp

Dates & Times: 

Grades 4 - 6: June 23 - 27 (Week 5), 1 PM - 4 PM

Grades 7 - 9: June 23 - 27 (Week 5), 9 AM - 12 PM

Location: Gruening 410, UAF Campus

Cost: $200

Description: You’ll be surprised at how much you can learn about Russian language and culture while creating art, playing games, and cooking. Join some of UAF's Russian faculty and immerse yourself in this fascinating culture.

Please note the enrollment and cancellation policies listed on the front page

Instructor: Wendy Whitehead Martelle

A little about your instructor: Wendy teaches Russian and Linguistics at UAF and loves learning languages! She became mesmerized with Russian ever since she saw the letter Ж and wondered what it sounded like. Wendy is excited to share her enthusiasm for this beautiful and fascinating language.

Instructor: Svetlana Nuss

A little about your instructor: Svetlana came to Alaska from Russia. She loves spending time in nature, creating art, as well as playing old and making up new games. Svetlana's secret power is her love for desserts!