House Heroes
Grades: 2 - 5
Dates & Times: July 28 - August 1 (Week 4), 9 AM - 4 PM (Full-day!) (Waitlist only!)
Location: Alaska Campus of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 955 Draanjik Dr., Fairbanks
Cost: $400
Description: Do you know how your house works? What is inside the walls? Where does the electricity come from? How can you keep a building warm in the winter and cool in the summer? If you want to learn about a house's parts and what keeps it warm, safe, and working throughout the year, this camp is for you! Campers will come to the Alaska Campus of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, just down the hill from UAF, for a week of learning, designing, building, powering, and adapting. We’ll explore buildings from the foundation to the roof and all types of energy, including hydropower, wind, and solar. Activities will be inside and outside, under and over, so come with a sense of adventure!
Instructor: Vanessa Stevens and team
A little about your instructors: Chan, Dave, Molly, and Vanessa all work at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s campus in Fairbanks, just down the hill from UAF, where they help make houses in Alaska warmer, safer, and less expensive. They always volunteer for the field work so mostly you can find them measuring a foundation in the mud or using the thermal camera when it is -20F instead of at their desks. When they aren’t at work they like to play outside, travel to fun places, and spend lots of time with their families. Fun fact, they have worked with over 100 communities all over Alaska from Kasaan to Anchorage to Point Lay in the over 30 years they have collectively worked in housing. They must love their jobs, right? So they are excited to introduce some campers to this work too.