I Love Music

Grades: 2 - 3

Dates & Times: July 28 - August 1 (Week 9), 9 AM - 12 PM

Location: Gruening 208, UAF Campus

Cost: $200

Description: Join us for a week of music appreciation! Campers will learn about the instruments of the orchestra and get acquainted with the lives and music of famous and not-so-famous composers. We will even have the opportunity to practice audience etiquette! Through art, movement, and listening, campers will develop their love of music.

Please note the enrollment and cancellation policies listed on the front page

Instructor: Anne Lackey

A little about your instructor: Anne Lackey received a BA in music performance and a BS in Music Education from Kansas State University, and a M Ed. in counseling from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. She taught instrumental music in Fairbanks for 23 years, started the public schools Strings program, and helped found the Fairbanks Youth Symphony. She was the concertmaster of the Fairbanks Symphony Orchestra and the Arctic Chamber Orchestra for 11 years. Anne loves music and children and enjoys bring the two together.